Minority Enterprise Career Schools (MECS) is a State–accredited nonpublic secondary school, grades 9 through 12, Chartered by the Board of Regents of The University of the State of New York, for and on behalf of the State Education Department.
The Minority Enterprise Career Schools Mission is to provide high-quality career and technical education (CTE) — Business and Marketing: CIP Code 52.9999 and Entrepreneurship/ Entrepreneurial Studies CIP Code 52.0701 for all students through utilizing an authentic hands-on approach to learning.
Entrepreneurial education is a critical response to the challenges facing our country today—making education meaningful and more inclusive. Entrepreneurship education is an essential tool for meeting the needs of the underserved and vulnerable students thus serving as a means of addressing the challenges of poverty, inequality, and economic growth.
MECS’ curriculum is in alignment with the New York State Education Department’s Career and Technical Education Standards and College and Career Readiness Standards, which actively encourage students to think on their own and take on responsibilities for their growth through developing a creative mindset. It addresses some of the existing deficiencies of the educational system by bridging a gap between the needs of individual students and the needs of our economy.
MECS Partnership with K-12.Hillsdale.edu/curriculum
What is Classical Education?
In a Hillsdale classical school, teachers lead students toward moral and intellectual virtue by means of a rich and robust course of study in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue.
A Well-Rounded Course of Study
In Hillsdale classical schools, students receive a well-rounded education in the liberal arts and sciences. All students study literature and mathematics, history and the sciences, the fine arts, Latin, and physical education because the K-12 years are the years in which we are still coming to know ourselves and the world around us. The successful development of literacy and numeracy and a solid foundation in the core subjects is necessary before advanced or specialized training and study.
Rooted in Human Nature
But the study of the liberal arts does more than prepare the way for specialized training. A classical education teaches us to seek knowledge of the nature of things, especially the nature of man and of the universe as a whole. Human beings are that part of the universe who seek to know where we stand within it, and who wonder about its ultimate origins and character. We are also driven by a desire to know ourselves—to understand our nature and purpose in life.
The Humanities and the Sciences
The surest guides for this quest are the great works of literature, philosophy, politics, and art that mankind has produced, which teach us about human nature and the human good, along with the serious study of mathematics and the sciences, which teach us about the natural order. Together with the study of history, which teaches us to know ourselves by understanding our place in the unfolding of the human story, the serious pursuit of knowledge across all subjects equips us for fully human lives.
Classical education liberates us in the true sense. It frees us from ignorance and confusion, from prejudice and delusion, and from the wild passions and fanciful hopes that can degrade and destroy us. It liberates by making us rational, allowing us to see the world clearly and honestly. In revealing our nature, it necessarily reveals what we need by nature—what is right and good for us.
Moral Formation
For these reasons, classical education provides, in part, moral education. Rather than do violence to human nature in a vain attempt to remake it, a classical education cultivates human nature so it can grow properly and flourish. By teaching students to cultivate moral virtue, it guides us into freedom by making us self-reliant and responsible, capable of governing ourselves and taking part in the self-government of our communities.
Civic Education and Thoughtful Patriotism
The serious pursuit of a classical education shows us that the life of the mind and the existence of education itself depend on the existence of civilization—not to mention political order, security, and freedom of thought. A thoughtful study of history shows us how difficult these goods are to achieve, gives us an appreciation for how rare and precious our own American circumstances are—and shows us how important it is to preserve them.
In studying the origins of our country and its history, in all of its triumphs and tragedies, students acquire a mature love for America, one which appreciates our unprecedented founding, a product of reflection and choice, and measures the health of our republic in light of the standards set forth in our founding documents. From that knowledge, we become citizens capable of judging rightly what ought to be preserved and what changed, and in making this judgment we fulfill a central part of our human nature, becoming free citizens.
MECS—CATC Certiport Authorized Testing Center is expanding career training options for students and closing the skills gap for employers offering students options that match their career interests and prepare them for jobs that will close the skills gap. Students in grades 9–12 and adults over 18 years of age, can follow the New York State Career Development Occupational Studies (CDOS) Graduation Pathway Option through access to career and technical education (CTE) coursework, including participation in career planning and preparation in career and college–ready certification courses that validate entry–level knowledge and skills, with industry–recognized credentials necessary for an employability profile demonstrating readiness for entry–level employment.
Certification, particularly entry-level certification, helps to build a skilled workforce that meets the needs of local employers and government tech initiatives. Certifications means having a global impact. We all live in a global economy. Gain the skills you need to create more opportunities for yourself and your country.
Adobe Certified Professional
Autodesk Certified User
IC3 Digital Literacy
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Apple Swift
Unity Certifications
Communication Skills for Business
PMI Project Management Ready
Information Technology Specialist
Advertising &
Promotions Managers
Agents & Business
Managers of Artists, Performers & Athletes
Information Technology
Laboratory (NIST)